Ryan Kriebel » Welcome back!

Welcome back!

Welcome parents and students! 
I am very excited for band this year and I hope you are too!
Please click here to complete my beginning of the year survey. This will tell me if your son/daughter will be continuing to participating in band this school year.
Please note the links on this page in the sidebar.
  • Band Calendar- important dates for our groups can be found there.
  • Lesson Schedules- These are not up to date yet, but will be shortly. See below for dates of the first lesson for each building.
We are going to continue to build skills on our instruments and make music in a variety of settings. The following opportunities are available this year:
  • Spirit Night - Friday, October 18th. We will learn a song to play with the high school and junior high school bands. This will be performed during pre-game before the Lions' home game vs. Northeastern High School. Students will be bussed to the high school from their respective elementary schools where we will practice, eat dinner, and then do the performance. Check the documents section for more information and the permission slip.
  • Symphonic Band - Symphonic band is open to students by invitation. We begin practice on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 - 7:00, the first being November 19th. The Symphonic Band plays two concerts; one on January 28th and one on April 29th. They will also be going on a field trip in May (Date TBD). More details will be coming out about symphonic band in the near future.
  • Percussion Ensemble - This ensemble is for battery percussion (drum) students. All battery percussion students in 5th and 6th grade who are not beginners will be in percussion ensemble. Most rehearsals are during the school day. The dress rehearsal is after school on April 28th and the concert is on April 29th.
  • Concert Band - This ensemble includes all students who are not in symphonic band, from beginners to 3rd year players. We practice during school. Our performances include a school assembly and a spring concert on April 29th. An after school dress rehearsal is on April 28th.
Check out the calendar as well.
Schedules have not been made yet as far as the time of each lesson; however I can give you the cycle day. Lessons will begin on the dates listed.
  • NHW on Day 1 (First lesson will be on August 27th)
  • LG on Day 5 (First lesson will be on August 23rd)
  • CV on Day 3 (First lesson will be on August 21st)
  • MG on Day 2 (First lesson will be on September 16th)
  • PV on Day 6 (First lesson will be on August 26th)